Oct 22, 2008

2 Milestones

I just hit two milestones this morning: one thanks to you, one thanks to me. Photocrap crossed the 10,000 hits mile marker early this a.m. Much appreciation goes out to all the constant viewers and the blogs who've promoted this silly site. I hope you continue to get a laugh or at least a grin out of this blog for a long time to come. To that end, the other milestone I hit is 300. I have 300 "honest album covers" that have not been posted yet! I like to have a nice stockpile, I guess. Anyway, that ensures this substandard blog will continue into 2009. I'm not dumb enough to believe it can go forever. There are only so many album covers and so many ways to call people douchebags, but this is fun and I plan to keep it up as long as possible. Thanks for coming along for the journey so far and please stick around! Oh, I passed another milestone that makes me know this blog "matters" a little... I got my first angry email threatening legal action! Somebody in the Bucky fan club wasn't happy with the "I'll Walk" parody earlier this week and demanded that I take it down. My response? I enlarged the font. (parodies aren't illegal, especially lyric parodies, and even moreso ones that have never and will never make a dime)

Thanks again folks! Have a nice Wednesday.


  1. Congratulations, Trailer! I'm especially impressed by the second milestone since I basically suck at planning ahead. You're an inspiration to the procrastinators of the world.

  2. More like an inspiration to the slackers of the world who should be working in the yard or cleaning house instead of making Photoshopped album covers. :)

  3. Love that your complaint admits that it is a parody which makes it pretty much in the clear copyright-wise.

    Keep up the good work

  4. 10K hits! WOW! And you don't even have the photocrap hype machine! ;)
