Jun 29, 2009

.99 Review - Whitney Duncan

Whitney Duncan - Skinny Dippin'

The People's Take

perfect summer song! (5 stars) – i heard this song awhile back, and fell in love with it. whitney duncan uses her soulful rasp to really turn on the heat in this sexy summer tune! all i can say is great job girl!
by smileykk

Ouch! (1 star) –
This is a really bad song! No thanks.
My $0.02

My Take
Another timely summer release, former Nashville Star contestant Whitney Duncan's new single is a breezy anthem for your ...um Whitney skinny dippin' :)... oh, sorry, got off track a minute. Anyway, this song is an ode to ...you guessed it. Although many a country song has ended with or included folks dropping trou' and hopping into the creek, I don't recall a single that was completely dedicated to ... hmm, Whitney skinny dippin'. Apologies, back to the review. I'm not sure I see this being a big hit for a couple of reasons. #1 enunciation... while, her voice is soulful and fairly pleasing to the ear, Ms. Duncan sounds like she's got a mouthful of marbles... no, something softer... cotton balls maybe. It was difficult to make out all of the lyrics ...Whitney Duncan naked in the water...ahem. So, #2... the lyrics (the ones I could discern anyway). Did she say they were swimming in the Mississippi??? Do people swim in the Mississippi? Have you seen it lately? Have you seen the size of the fish they pull out of that thing? I was born beside it and I won't swim in it. Sure, I'm overanalyzing, but that's what I do here. Also, did I hear the word "tush"? Who, besides ZZ Top uses that word and gets away wwwwwWhitney Duncan with her clothes off in a swimming hole. Where was I? Okay, so this is an alright song. I'm probably just past the ceiling age for skinny dipping and it not being really weird, so the subject matter doesn't appeal to me a great deal, but this is mostly aimed at the high school/college age set... and I'm sure it works for that demographinakedwhitneyduncaninacreek whoa. Anyway, I'm done. Let me know when the video comes out.

Total value: .42/.99

The Checklist
Name Dropping
Dying Person
County FairLost Love
Check mark symbolLove
Hometown Pride
Kindly Advice
Check mark symbolTruck
Life Affirmation
Pop Sheen
Star Power


  1. http://www.cmt.com/videos/whitney-duncan/405693/skinny-dippin.jhtml?
