Apr 11, 2010

Country Doppelgängers

Inspired by Rita Ballou's hilarious recurring Texas music doppelgangers, here are a few of my own. Sorry, no wonderfully snarky gossip between entries; I don't have any inside sources. :)

I've always thought Eric Church and former WCW World Champion David Arquette looked a lot alike.

The only real resemblance between Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum and Snooki of Jersey Shore is the pouf, but it's good enough for me!

Worry "warsher" Luke Bryan and star of annoying AT&T commercials and Idiocracy, Luke Wilson.

Here's a no-brainer. Miranda Lambert and Emilie De Ravin of Lost.

Stone country traditionalist Danny Gokey and MC Serch of early 90s rap group 3rd Bass. (Yes, there were good caucasian rappers before Eminem)

Here's another no-doubter.

1 comment:

  1. I love them! Too funny. And I always thought Luke looked like Gomer Pyle too!

