Jun 1, 2011

Larry Lee the Primitive Baptist Reviews:

Larry Lee the Primitive Baptist Reviews: Josh Abbott Band with Kacey Musgraves - Oh, Tonight

Trailer has assigned yet another Texas country artist for me to review. I think he's purposely antagonizing you Texas people. I personally don't have anything against Texans, other than what I may have said in the past - which may have been skewed by a bit too much caffeine from my wife's sweet tea. Jesus even loves Lone Star State residents. Most in the Austin metropolitan area are on his watch list, however.

The lead singer sounds like he's chewing on a piece of straw or something while he sings. The female has an angelic voice; she should go into gospel music. But she just asked him to "kiss me on the mouth." Hmm, I don't even do that to my wife, and we are actually bound by Holy matrimony. If this couple isn't married, well, I won't say mouth kissing is sin, but it's a golden gateway to temptation… and they are certainly courting that darkest of all sins - sexual impurity. I hope they wear their Purity Rings at all times.

There's really not a lot to this song… it sounds pretty good for secular music and the only other sin that's plainly mentioned is pride. I consider this a lesser sin… I have been guilty of it a few times. I sometimes take pride in the way I look in a finely pressed, creased and starched Walmart suit. Sometimes I notice some of the blue-haired old ladies staring at me in those sharp creases like I'm a Jello mold or something. It's creepy to be honest, yet I persevere in delivering the Good Word to those biddies.

Anyway, all-in-all, this tune is not nearly as devious as most of what Texas and Nashville usually pass off as entertainment. Be warned however, that some of the themes and concepts in this song can lead to unsavory thoughts in the eyes of the Lord. Care is advised.

(and you thought they'd all be F's)

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