Nov 9, 2011

Larry Lee the Primitive Baptist Reviews: Wade Bowen

Wade Bowen - Saturday Night

Hello everybody. I have returned for another turn pontificating about a piece of secular music. I am particularly distraught right now, because my home state of Mississippi last night determined that they hate little babies and wish for them to die. With this breach of moral priorities in mind, I'll strive to deliver some clear thoughts about this song "Saturday Night" by Mr. Wade Bowen.

On the surface, this seems the kind of message I could get behind. Bowen asks why people enjoy the sin and frivolity of Saturday nights. I ask this every Sunday morning, my eyes pausing to rest on a couple of teens slumping in their pews and Louie Reynolds, who recently left his wife and has been seen cavorting at a place called Pardners. In any case, this is a good question. If only the reason behind his disdain for Saturday nights was a pure and good one.

However, Mr. Bowen only dislikes Saturday night because his woman (presumably a woman, but you never know with these liberal Texas types) left him on a Saturday night. This has made him cranky about "drunk girls" he wishes the bartender would kick out and a band that's playing music too loud and a couple who is likely necking in a pleather booth. While these things also get my boxer shorts in a knot, I am opposed to them because I am righteous and Jesus-seeking, not because some female set me free.

If Bowen only finds self-worth in the wanton arms of a barroom floozy, then he is surely bound to someday find his final comforts in the warm and ruddy arms of Satan himself. Also, he admits to drinking amidst his pain and his annoyances. Strong drink is never a solution, it can only be a problem unto itself. Oh, one more thing… he tosses off "nothing but Sunday morning waiting for me at home" as if that is his only option. Find yourself in a church pew telling God you trust in his Word, Mr. Bowen, not hugging the American Standard and telling God lies about how you won't pursue the evils of alcohol again!

While this song is fairly pleasing upon the ears, it is a carrier of dark notions and a bearer of sin. I can only pray and shake my head for Bowen, the fans of his music and you, my reader who will probably disregard my warnings and enjoy this turd that the Dark Lord himself excreted. Repent! Repent I say!



  1. "If Bowen only finds self-worth in the wanton arms of a barroom floozy, then he is surely bound to someday find his final comforts in the warm and ruddy arms of Satan himself."

    This is perfect.

  2. I've seen what he goes home to. Wade deserves a barroom floozy or two.

  3. If I can't work "warm and ruddy arms of Satan" into a song sooner or later I need to go ahead and stop calling myself a writer ...

  4. I found this thread while Google searching the reviews of Wade Bowen's newly released album. Having never visited this website before and with no prior knowledge of Larry Lee the Primitive Baptist, I felt compelled to post a comment rebutting the inane points made by Larry. The notion that Wade Bowen's lyrics are in any way symbolic of how he lives his own life is laughable, coming from a writer who has never met Wade Bowen. Expounding on this already false labeling, Larry chastises Wade for seemingly endorsing unfavorable behavior. For brevity sake, I must compress my rebuttal.

    I have had the chance to speak with Wade on a number of occasions through his friendship with my brother-in-law. However, my comments aren't in defense of Bowen so much as they are a criticism of your judgmental and elitist musings on his lyrics. I know for a fact that over the past 11 years Wade has been traveling on average 225 days/year doing shows with a Wife & Two children at home. Musicians almost never maintain faithful relationships due to this travel, but Wade has done so with additional grace. A battle his wife had with Postpartum depression challenged their marriage but they came out better on the other side, and Wade has now raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support research. If you want songs that preach goodness, listen to "Before These Walls Were Blue" & "A Battle Won" - the songs beautifully speak about love for children and a wife.

    In no way am I defending Bowen because I truly don't know him well enough, but please use the same thought-process next time you cast judgments. If your intentions are motivated by religion, I'd ask that you read the bible again to reach a more pious lifestyle. Finally, symbolism is rampant in the book (Bible) you use as a weapon of hate; i.e. - God asking Abraham to kill his son. Wade's lyrics speak to people in different ways similar to the way messages from the bible are interpreted differently.

    The fact that I even wrote this makes me feel lame, but your judgmental nature warranted response. I'd propose a thought....Wade's lyrics have helped thousands of depressed and aimless listeners, while your hate is only endorsed by fellow haters.

    1. I know this is over two months old and I should just let people be ignorant, but I just couldn't help myself.

      Jeff, you do realize that this is a satirical website? Meaning that everything is a parody. Even this review. There's a disclaimer in the upper right-hand corner of this page that might help you out.

  5. Larry Lee is awesome by himself, but Comments like "Jeff Wright"s make the whole Larry Lee thing truly hilarious.
