Dec 13, 2011

Larry Lee the Primitive Baptist Reviews: Sunny Sweeney's Christmas Song

Sunny Sweeney - One More Christmas Beer

Merry Christmas everyone. Notice I didn't say Happy Holidays, but that ain't got anything to do with fighting back against the "war on Christmas." Nope, there's a difference between merry and happy - merry is temporary, happy is lasting… my mother-in-law will be visiting this year, so while I can put on a merry face for Christmas, my holidays will not in fact be very happy.

And I'm even less happy about this Sunny Sweeney and her "One More Christmas Beer." Even in my drinking days, I wasn't so bold before the Lord as to partake of demon spirits during the season of Jesus' birth.

How dare this strumpet, who I shall refer to as "Sinny," use the most Holy of Christian holidays to promote her addiction to alcohol?!? Would she open a beer with a cross shaped bottle opener? Would she fill a baptismal with red wine? Would she take Jim Beam and pretzels at Communion?

Isaiah 5, Verse 22 says "Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks." I'm guessing Sinny never read that verse or others that speak ill of drunkards like this tart. In fact, I'd be quite shocked if this lushy trollop ever opened a Bible that wasn't in the nightstand of her seedy hotel love-nest.

This song will surely cause Christians and those who should be to stumble this holiday season. It will cause those who've sworn off the lifestyle of drinking until they forget how to get back to the Seminary to long for such blissful days. She makes getting tanked to avoid the frustrations of dealing with difficult relatives sound like something pleasurable…. very pleasurable indeed.

I have to remind myself and Sinny that the drunken will not inherit the Kingdom of God. They shall reap hangovers, lost hours and the dirty looks of judgmental aunts.

Do not be filled with wine, in which lies the path to ruin! Be filled with the Spirit my brothers and sisters! Stay strong! No matter how many times that mother-in-law of yours expects you to read her mind about where the Christmas tree should be or says you aren't good enough for her daughter. Those are just examples of what you may experience ….that's got nothing to do with me.

This song, though… it's got bad words, bad behavior and promotion of the sweet escapism of a tempting but ruinous habit.

I give Sinny and this morally corrupt song the full strength of an:



  1. Larry Lee always comes through with awesome reviews. I agree with this one 100%. The Sunny Sweeney song is very sinful. I wish more music critics had the guts to review songs as honestly as Larry Lee the Primitive Baptist.

  2. that song sucks so bad, I might just take her Concrete album on my Best of 2011

  3. seriously dude grow up. its a song. jesus walked with the people. people just like sunny and me. and was compassionate to them. even on his birhtday
