Jun 1, 2012

Country Conspiracy Guy #4


  1. Ok, so Andy Gibson might not be a man. Probably a cross dresser or transgender or transsexual or maybe even a woman! But you know what, this isn't 1940, and there's nothing wrong with Andy Gibson's look or gender-bending behavior. If you ask me country music needs to get more gay, and it also needs to get more singers who are not reinforcing heteronormative values. A lot of traditional country just represents values and ideas that are no longer relevant and its time to move forward! If country conspiracy guy has a problem with that then he's just a backward fool.

  2. Are we talking about hank3 steel guitar player?

  3. No. New wussy country singer who sings "Wanna Make You Love Me."

  4. All gender questions aside, that chin has seen its share of balls.
