Jul 17, 2012

Brantley Gilbert Concert Bingo


  1. What about pregnant woman with a cigarette?

  2. Fuck you asshole. I'm a banker and I love BG. Times have changed old man. Everybody I know likes Brantley, so fuck off. Nobody gives a damn what you think. Get a life, loser.

    1. Monopoly bankers don't count. Take your "get out of jail free card" somewhere else!

    2. If you get that angry, then I think YOU are one who actually "gives a damn."

      FYI: Commas go after a noun of address and before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence. It's difficult to take a "banker" seriously when he doesn't know basic punctuation rules.

  3. You can be a banker, a doctor, an accountant or whatever. But if you like Brantley Gilbert one thing is clear: you are trashy!

    1. Well, I have to disagree with you there. Although "Mr.Banker" did go a bit overboard and he obviously doesn't know how to take a joke on a funny blog, you can't sterotype all Brantley Gilbert fans based on the actions of a few. And even if you don't like his music or aren't fans of Mr.Gilbert there is no need to be rude and have so little class as to call every BG fan "trashy." Although BG fans are redneck there is a fine line between redneck and trashy.

  4. meanwhile all these comments coming from Beiber Fans!....lol

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
