Aug 30, 2012

On Twitter and Musicians - by Mike Brooks

Sunday morning, coffee(s) in hand and here's the thing...

How does one work this Twitter thing?  I am way outside the age demographic chronologically, and relatively new to the medium. I have found amazing resources and bands, no shortage of assholes and a bunch of acronyms I don't understand.

The ability to interact with an artist is great!  However, I can't help feeling slighted when I see a tweet from a person I follow answering a question I have asked previously without a response.

I'm not talking about Gaga or Beiber not responding to my "go away" requests. I don't follow people with millions of followers, which is sad because those I follow IMO deserve them.

It is such a rush when an old man like me, that had lost all faith in music, gets a "thanks" from @hayescarll, or when @jasonisbell and I share a Clarence Carter reference.  My highlight this year was @bonniewhitmore telling me I should come to her birthday show!

Chad Sullins, Blackberry Smoke, C-leb and the Kettle Black...Wow...way to make an guy feel like he is part of it.  @USaquarium, I would never have found out about the band were it not for Twitter.

Of course, my iTunes account has not been the same since @twangnation!!

Keep us fans in mind, you artists and bands.  After all, we think you are looking directly at us individually at the Shows, and in my case, you have read my diary before you wrote the songs.

I'm building you fans in Canada..hoping to drag you here...hey...maybe we can hangout!?


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