Aug 2, 2012

Top 10 Things Mississippi Fans Are Doing to Afford Brantley Gilbert Tickets

I just found out that Brantley Gilbert is finally coming to play a show in my area! You can imagine my excitement. Today, FTM ponders how all the local BG fans will pay for this momentous occasion.

10. Refinancing the double-wide

09. Canceling Guns & Ammo and Buckmasters subscriptions

08. Painting house camouflage so taxman won't see it

07. Ransom

6. Selling Arts & Crafts

05. Collecting insurance money from deer-stand/home that mysteriously burned down

04. Ramping up sales and distribution of Oxycontin

03. Cut back strip club visits to bi-weekly

02. Quit smoking - put cigarette money to better use: riverboat gambling

01. Telling Grandma that Obama's death panels have decided she can't have her heart medication any more


  1. I kinda like the camouflage house, but then again, I'm also kinda glad its not on my street!

  2. Wow, you may end up having to move to Texas with an armed escort out of the state. Good one brother!
