Nov 15, 2012

OMG Reviews: Charlie Worsham - Could It Be

by Brittany Fant, 14-year-old music fan and aspiring reviewer

Listen to the song here.

Oh Hunter. You know you'll always be my first love, but I've met somebody. Hunter, you haven't answered any of my emails or replied to my Facebook posts so I need to do for me now. You'll always be in my heart, but Charlie Worsham is my new man. He's got puppy dog eyes and long dark hair and he's so handsome. He can play lots of instruments too, just like you!  And he started young, just like you. Awww, he was soooo cute with those chubby cheeks!

I don't know if that was actual music he was playing with that weird tiny guitar, but he did it real fast and all those redneck people clapped so it must be good! Now, Charlie's all grown up and looks like this:

Swoon. Sorry Hunter, this is my new love!!!!!
and playing music I can kinda get behind! Like this new song "Could It Be." It's a sweet love song that's a little too country for me, but I can just get lost in Charlie's voice and think of his hotness and get through it just fine. He's a good small-town boy with nice manners and he's not a little boy like you, Hunter. When he sings "then again I might just change your name," I just sigh and stare at the ceiling. Ahhh. Charlie played on Taylor Swift's tour so a lot of girls my age got to see him and are probably in love with him too, but he's mine girls!!!! Stand back or get jacked, lol! I'm gonna write a song to send Charlie and hopefully he'll put it on his new album. It's gonna be a love story about a girl who lives in the suburbs and dreams of meeting her Romeo and one day she goes to a concert and he pulls her up on stage and asks her to marry him and she says YES!!! And they have 3 dogs, 2 little boys named Beau and Martin and a 2 story brick house outside of Nashville!!! Please sing it Charlie! Anyway, Hunter, you're so five minutes ago and Charlie is soooooo.... 5 heart hands!!!