Apr 6, 2014

Here's What Luke Bryan's Merch Manager Had to Say About Strait's EOY Win

Before he deleted the Tweet...

Update: Hunter Jobes has now deleted his account completely.


  1. Apparently, majority of America doesn't agree with you Mr. Jobes (and followers). That, my friend, is what matters.

  2. Another reason why everybody hates Bro Country and the scum that is merchandise manager selling the world Made In China crap about some autotuned hick who's country only by stepping in cowshit. F--k him and the tractor he rode on!

    1. "Anonymous" said what the rest of us think (well, those that know REAL C&W music, anyhow).

  3. Wonder if he still has a job...

  4. Come back when you have Entertainer of the Decade on your Shelf and a few hits, until then you should keep your mouth shut.

  5. Guess he hasn't seen what the cost of the June 7th concert tickets are going for or how fast they sold out. I'm guessing all the folks that bought them weren't buying them so George could "Entertain" them, maybe they are just going to see what the Cowboy stadium looks like.

    When is the last time Luke sold out a 95K capacity arena in a matter of seconds?

  6. Who is Luke Bryan? Are you kidding? George Strait probably has more Entertainer of the Year awards than Luke Bryan has songs.

  7. I'm sorry but anyone who agreed with what this dirt bag said is Ass holes them selves sorry but was happy to see George Strait get it

  8. I'm sure Mr. Jobes does not understand the meaning of the word entertainer or he would not have made the comment.
    Fact is George Strait has been "entertaining" people longer than either he or Luke Bryan could walk. George's music is timeless. Unlike Luke who is just the flavor of the day George Strait will be entertaining all of us for a very long time.

  9. The King is Entertainer of the Decade for me! I love Luke and I thought he would win, but was so happy for George!

  10. Luke Bryan is another one of the many performers to run around with a ball cap on , muscles ripping out of a skin tight T-shirt, singing country rock songs which are a dime a dozen. George Strait sings real COUNTRY music. There is no comparison!

  11. e Luke Bryan isn't fit to shine George Strait's boots!

  12. I'm sure Luke Byan had NOTHING to do with this comment. I'm sure jobes will be seeking other employment

  13. For those of you attributing this directly to Luke, you need to retract your statements. Luke had nothing to do with this tweet and you don't always have control of the people who work for you. Luke is one of the most respectful and upstanding persons on this earth.

  14. I know Luke didn't have anything to do with it.

  15. I am by no means a luke bryan fan. But I also know that he is known for being an extremely respectful person, and he seemed happy that George won. So I'm not going to put any of this on Luke. I actually feel kind of bad for him, because he is going to get a lot of bad press for this. As for the person who said it....what an asshole. I know he works at Luke Bryans Merch table, so we should probably all value his opinion. But seriously, you don't get 60 number ones by being a bad entertainer

  16. Ever thought that maybe a bunch of Luke's fans voted for George?
