Mar 31, 2015

The Best Country Show Ever?

The lineup for Willie Nelson's 2015 4th of July Picnic has been released and it may be the strongest collection of country music talent that has been amassed in ages (decades? ever?). Not even listed on the following poster are Billy Joe Shaver, David Allan Coe, Chris Stapleton and Johnny Bush. Good grief. Road trip? (Oh, and the Billy Bob's 2-day 4th of July fest looks damn good too!)


  1. Shut up, shut up, shut up!!! There's no way I can get across the Atlantic to attend so nobody's allowed to talk about it!!!! But yes, I think that's the best concert line-up I've ever seen ......

  2. Shit, I wish someone could take me. Sucks being 17 without a car. I need to see Sturgill and Jamey Johnson, they've been on my bucket list too long

    But damn Willie AND Merle? This is seriously the best lineup ever!
