Sep 22, 2016

The Possum is Judging You


  1. I have said this elsewhere, but it bears repeating here: It's been a longstanding rule of mine that you can tell a lot about where an artist's head is at musically by the songs from other artists that they choose to cover. A few examples:

    George Strait covering Bob Wills' "Right Or Wrong"
    Alan Jackson covering Merle Haggard's "The Way I Am"
    Jason Boland covering Billy Joe Shaver's "Thunderbird" (WITH Shaver, even)

    And here we have "country" singer Chris Lane covering...R&B singer Mario's "Let Me Love You," as if the original version of that song did not suck ten flavors of ass. All righty then.

  2. Give this commenter a medal. Nay, two. "Ten flavors of ass" is an artful phrase, worthy of commendation.
