Mar 12, 2019

Luke Bryan Says Zac Brown's "God Given" Worst Song Ever

Another day, another country artist coming out against the current direction of country music. The latest is superstar Luke Bryan, who not only had some unkind words about the state of country music, but specifically set Zac Brown’s song “God Given” in his crosshairs—a song from the Zac Brown Band's forthcoming album and a rumored single:

"I love Zac Brown and he’s had some great songs, but this new song is the worst song I’ve ever heard. I know Zac, he’s a friend. ‘God Given’ is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. I see it being commercially successful, in what is called country music these days, but I also feel like that the people deserve something better than that. Country fans and country listeners deserve to have something better than that, a song that really has something to say, something that makes you feel something. Good music makes you feel something. When songs make me wanna throw up, it makes me ashamed to even be in the same genre as those songs. My how the tables have turned."

Zac Brown and “God Given” came up in the context of Luke Bryan complaining about the current trends dominating country radio right now.

"If I hear one more snap beat or bass drop in a country song, I’m gonna throw up. There’s songs out there on the radio right now that make me be ashamed to be even in the same format as some other artists. And actually, I think Zac Brown probably wrote this one himself. Doesn't he have people around him to tell him no? I mean, ZBB is a multi-million dollar corporation and he's putting the livelihood of all 18 band members on the line by chasing trends and making a fool of himself."

The song, which the Zac Brown Band has been performing recently on their "The Owl" tour is almost entirely rapped and features the lyrics:
Gucci bags, stacks on stacks,
Diamonds fill up the champagne glass

Luke Bryan, who has also been criticized for being a part of the "bro country" trend has recently gone back toward relatively neo-traditional pop country. Asked his thoughts on the reason for Zac Brown's musical experimentation, Bryan told us: "It's been downhill since that hotel room; I'm just saying."

*parts of this fake news piece adapted from Saving Country Music's original ZBB/Luke Bryan story*


  1. Zac as a person is a world class ASS! He enjoys whirling his concert power to dismiss his own fans from a concert, based on HIS judgement alone! Up yours Zac!

  2. Zach Brown ruined country music , ban this bitch . The worst person ever
