Sep 10, 2009

FTM Garage Sale: Country

With over 470 parody album covers in the FTM storehouse, some as old as August of last year, things were getting a little musty in there... so I've decided to have a Farce the Music Garage Sale. Gotta get rid of some things I don't want anymore.

These covers include parodies based on jokes that are past their expiration date, some that are at their sell-by date and a few I'm just sick of looking at (ha ha, Collin Raye was in some underwear commercials, we get it!!). Not to say this is a bunch of crap (well, I guess that's debatable), there are plenty of snickers to be had (not the candy bar - you bring your own snacks) - you just may have to dig in your memory bank to remember what the heck I'm getting at with some of the humor.

It's time to streamline and clear away the chaff so future material will all be the cream of the crop (or crap, as it were). There are some 70+ covers that need to go, so I'll break this into a few days worth of material. Today's post will be entirely country covers - the rest run the gambit from hip hop to rock to odds & ends. Hope you find something that fits! No refunds! You break you buy! Don't park on the grass!


  1. These seem up to your usual standard. Can't wait to see what else you'll pull out of the garage.

  2. It's interesting the cross-pollination of the community between here, Country California and the9513. Names as broad as 'Rick' can invoked specific, and sometimes horrifying connotations due to our shared sense of self.

  3. I like this kind of garage sale. Nice work!



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