Sep 8, 2009

31 Country Music Themes: 28-30

Here's the next-to-last entry of the 31 Country Music Themes series. I'll post theme #31 tomorrow at the top of a big, messy randomly-ordered compilation post including all 31 Themes.

Sep 6, 2009

Boys Like Girls new album cover!

Odds & Ends

YouTube Gems: Jon Lajoie

An unnamed informant, who has provided me with humor inspiration and fodder in the past, sent me a link to a hilarious satire by Jon Lajoie called "Radio Friendly Song." Since I try to maintain at most a hard PG-13 rating on this blog, I'm not going to embed that video here, but if you don't mind quite a few swear words, look it up on YouTube - it's witty and catchy! There are a ton of other skits and satires by Jon on the YouTubes so look around, if his brand of humor suits you. Here's his less-likely-to-offend tune, "Stay at Home Dad," which reminds me a little of Diddy's (P, Puffy, Puff Daddy, Puffwad) rock remix of "All About the Benjamins."


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