Nov 21, 2017

Top 10 Things Kane Brown Fans are Thankful For This Year

Top 10 Things Kane Brown Fans
are Thankful For This Year
10. That you don't have to pass an IQ test to get a driver's license

9. Nobody will notice if you're drunk at Thanksgiving dinner 
because they'll all be stoned

8. Febreze

7. That God watches over drunks and fools

6. Cousins who don't kiss and tell

5. Finally told off that petty bitch on YouTube who was saying 
Kane ain't country and she shut the hell up… wait, she's back

4. The space heater fire only took out a few of the cats

3. That opioid jokes aren't appropriate anymore, 
so Farce the Music won't put one right here

2. Uncle Papaw won $8000 on the scratch-off, so it's gonna be a good Christmas

1. That you get to come to the sophomore parties when you're 20, 
as long as you're still a sophomore

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