Showing posts with label Interviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interviews. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2016

Kelly Hogan of The Flat Five: Going for Positive Broke In a World of Love and Hope

Going for Positive Broke
In a World of Love and Hope

By Kevin Broughton

“Okay, I’m almost ready,” says Kelly Hogan. “I was driving, waiting for your call, now I just have to pull over and find a parking space.” She eases into a comfortable play-by-play: “I may just turn off on this side street…almost there…well, why don’t you just go ahead and start to talk?”

Hogan has, according to her hometown Chicago Tribune, “the range of a gospel belter, the phrasing of a jazz diva, a bit of a country twang, and a taste for humor that make her something of a difficult fit in these category-obsessed times.” If she’s tough to pigeonhole into a genre – and she very much is – then it’s doubly tough to pin down a category for The Flat Five, the Windy City super group she formed with Scott Ligon, Nora O’Connor, Alex Hall and Casey McDonough. Their debut album, It’s a World of Love and Hope, drops today on Bloodshot Records; fitting, as that label has always been home to the genre-bending misfits of independent music. Ligon and McDonough are themselves members of NRBQ, a fluid band – founded 50 years hence – that has always defied classification.

But, to take a stab at Flat Five comparisons: Late 60s/early 70s harmony-laden pop with a slight bubblegum flavor, reminiscent of The Carpenters, Beach Boys and Beatles. Some Manhattan Transfer. Or maybe that’s a little off? “Yeah, it reminds me of childhood, hearing the AM radio in the Rambler station wagon,” Hogan says. “All of those sounds like Sly and The Family Stone, The 5th Dimension, Spanky and Our Gang…and The Archies! Definitely The Archies.”

Yeah, that’s better. And, oh, the harmonies; five parts’ worth sometimes. Groovy electric piano.  It’s pure, unadulterated, unmitigated, undeniable joy. This can’t be overstated; it’s an album of existential happiness, as the campy title suggests. Each of the album’s dozen songs were penned by Ligon’s older brother Chris, and if you drill down a little into that dude’s catalog, you’ll want to throw in They Might Be Giants and Dr. Demento when making comparisons. As joyfully bouncy and bubbly as this record is, there’s also a lot of downright quirky, head-scratching humor.

But the joy overrides all. You want to feel better right now, when the whole country and world are spiraling downward into hades? Turn off Twitter and Facebook. Turn off the news. Listen to this album a couple times through, and you’ll be physically happy. Heck, it’s impossible not to be happy after 20 minutes on the phone with “Leather Lungs” Hogan, after she finds a parking spot. Her mood is as infectious as The Flat Five’s music. 

You’ve worn a lot of hats in a bunch of different bands/side projects, etc. This Flat Five record certainly has a distinctive flavor to it. How has working on this project differed from, say, The Pine Valley Cosmonauts or any of your other endeavors?

Well, a lot of the things I did with Pine Valley Cosmonauts, I was like a ninja. I’d come in real quick and record one song and be done. The Flat Five, we’re a band. It’s gross. We love each other so much, it’s gross. We’ve been doing this since 2005 or something. I started out playing with Scott Ligon, then we got Nora O’Connor into it; I knew her from when we both sang in Andrew Bird’s band. It just sort of picked up, like a rolling stone…wait, a rolling stone doesn’t gather moss. (Laughs) We snowballed, that’s what I mean to say.

We just really love to sing together. And even with our five separate, crazy schedules and the stuff we do with other bands, we’ve always made time for this. We just love it.

When did y’all decide “Okay, we’re gonna do an album,” and how and when did that process finally come together?

I guess a couple years in, we made a commitment to play quarterly. That’s a time commitment and everybody has to block out time on their schedules. We started talking about playing more often and how we would do it. And we were warming up to the idea of doing an album of Chris Ligon’s music, because we had already been doing several of his songs [live].

So that idea developed, and we all got really excited about it, because one, we love his music and two, we want more people to hear it. So in lieu of going door-to-door (laughs), we knew we needed to record. That required us all to pledge allegiance to each other and commit. And so it’s taken us right at two years; we first went into the studio in September 2014. We financed the whole thing ourselves, so occasionally it was, “Well, we’re out of money, so we gotta play a show.” And luckily we were able to record it at our drummer’s studio, and he engineered it. There was just a lot of goodwill and teamwork involved.

This album bubbles up joy. Can you describe how much fun it was to record?

We made a conscious decision as a band, led by Scott, that we were gonna do a positive album. And I mean, I love sad songs. I’ve heard great songs with awesome harmony, but it’s like “My baby died in December.” (Laughs) So we tried to make it a cohesive thread, and all positive. Because everything’s so heavy, you know? You said “bubbles,” and not every song sounds effervescent, but the material and the message are designed to lift people, you know? Mavis Staples just did that on her last album.

And we were trying to decide what to call this record, and I said, “Dude, let’s just go for positive broke and call it ‘It’s a World of Love and Hope.’” In the face of all this evidence to the contrary; there’s so much going on to be sad and mad about. And all of us in the band, we’re all mad and sad and scared. This is just a little respite. I mean, I’m on the street in Chicago. The trees have colored leaves and people are walking their dogs…it’s Halloween. That’s just as real as all the bad stuff.

I just…well, I’ve never heard anything like it.

Well, we are weird, you know…

(Laughs) Well, I don’t mean just because it’s a little off and has some tongue-in-cheek…

…People try to describe us. Right now Nora and I are trying to book a tour and folks ask us, “Well, what kind of band are you?” And we’re like, uhhhhhhhh, well…

I think we’re like a pack of Life Savers. You’ll get an orange and a lime, and all the different flavors. We just love it all; we love all kinds of music.

Do you have a favorite cut on the album?

(Pauses) Uh…gosh I don’t know. It’s so hard for me to pick from all the different flavors. I don’t think I do. I can’t pick a favorite puppy! I love them all, and they are all different. Some of them were more difficult to get right in the studio than others. I do love the magic of “Bug Light.” I like “Bluebirds in Michigan;” I love that really weird string/bass/flute arrangement.

I’m curious, and this is a Kelly Hogan-centric question. I discovered you as the voice of Cassie Gaines on DBT’s Southern Rock Opera. Do you hear that every now and again, maybe from folks down South?

Oh! Awesome. I love that’s the case; I really love that album and I love those guys so hard. But yeah, a few, a few, definitely. That always makes me feel so proud. We did that at (Mike) Cooley’s house and I was in the dining room with a microphone, drinking a PBR and they were all in the kitchen. I finished a take and I heard some screaming and I found out they were screaming because they liked it. That was really cute.

That album…well, “Angels and Fuselage” makes me weep to this day.

Think about how hard it is to sing it! Because I sit in with them sometimes, and I try to do it – like every song I do – like I’m living it. And those lyrics…it’s just such an honor to be on that record. And you know, hearing your Southern accent, I’m just leaning into it because I love those accents so much. Any excuse to call Patterson (Hood), I’ll do it, just to hear that voice.

What else would you like folks to know about It’s a World of Love and Hope?

Um, it’s definitely an album made by friends who really love singing together. We love it so much we’ve all made time to do it over the last dozen years. We’re the kind of band that will practice together for seven hours and it seems like seven minutes. I mean, if we were at a club to play a show and nobody showed up, we would still play the show! We do this because it’s so much fun. And that’s the spirit It’s a World of Love and Hope was made in.

Because it is a world of love and hope. Sometimes I might be feeling really shitty (giggles) but I’ll just say, “It’s a world of love and hope!” It’s become my mantra. It was made by five friends who can’t not do this.  And I hope people can hear that in the record.

Final note: I’ve not played an album over and over like this one in recent memory and subsequently tried to figure out why. I’m still not sure, but what’s exceptional is this wonderful Venn diagram of the underappreciated Chicago music scene. In fact, when you put elite-level talents like these together – all of whom share such a passion for the craft and an unselfish love for one another – greatness shouldn’t be surprising. –JKB


It's a World of Love and Hope is available today on iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, etc.

Oct 7, 2016

Matt Woods: The Farce the Music Interview

An Interview With Kevin Broughton

I had never heard, heard of, or seen Matt Woods until a late July gig at The Earl in Atlanta, when he was touring with Austin Lucas.  Just how out of it was I? I texted the Boss Man a picture of their cool tour poster, and he replied, “Oh, cool. Matt had FTM’s favorite song in 2013.” Uh, derp. 

But it was Woods’ across-the-board authenticity – on stage and off – that impressed me. The dude is real. July saw him fine-tuning a bunch of heavy country songs that make up the album How to Survive, released today on his own label, Lonely Ones Records. Did I mention that these are heavy songs? Just to make sure, I compared notes with the Boss Man. “If you'd rather be lied to or be sold a rosy view of life and love, you'd best steer clear of Matt Woods,” said Trailer. “His confessional lyrical style pulls back the curtain on the heartaches and struggles of real life.”

And, Bingo. While his previous two albums, The Matt Woods Manifesto and With Love From Brushy Mountain, were sprinkled with a hearty mix of story songs, murder ballads and love songs, today’s release is all about relationships. There are some aspirational love songs, but it’s weighted down with heartbreak – and reality. When you hear “To Tell the Truth,” or “Born to Lose,” there’s no question that these songs are both autobiographical and from a dark place. And it’s not insignificant that the song Woods says is truest to him – “A Good Man” – is a soul-crushing confessional; so much so that it took some coaxing for that to be divulged.

We caught up with Woods out in the west Texas town of El Paso, and talked songs for the downtrodden, dark thoughts of bodily harm to percussionists, and how being covered by Dean Ween is a dream.

One of your earlier albums is called The Matt Woods Manifesto. That strikes me as both an awesome and ballsy concept. For our readers unfamiliar with your work, what flag were you planting, and were you satisfied by the reception?

Yeah, I was definitely happy with the reception. I had spent a good many years bouncing around in rock ‘n’ roll bands. That record came out in 2011, and I guess it was sometime around ’09 that I realized I was gonna move away from the bands and start working on things under my own name. And what partly informed that was my writing, which was taking itself in a different direction. That led me to getting back to my roots, and back to my love of country music.

That’s why I did the Manifesto; it was a departure point.  

Having listened to some of your work, I think I have a good idea, but who are some of the songwriters who’ve influenced you?

I’ve been influenced by a great number of people in one way or another.  The easiest  to name, over the life of my writing, have been Kris Kristofferson and John Fogerty. I’d also have to give a nod to Steve Earle, Townes Van Zandt and Guy Clark. 

You’re like the eleventy-billionth artist about whom I’ve said, “WTH isn’t this person on radio?” Without going too deeply down that rabbit hole, when did murder ballads and cheatin’ songs go the way of the dinosaur, in the minds of Nashville suits and program directors?

As far as mainstream country is concerned, I think that all started happening in the late 1980s and early 1990s. At that point you could still find some music that still used what would be considered traditional country themes. But it was also sort of the birth of…party country. You know, “everything’s alright and let’s just have a good time.” That’s when things started leaning that direction.

You’ve done some really good murder ballads. How To Survive is made up – except for “The American Way” -- almost exclusively of relationship songs.  Did you go at this album thematically, or did it just organically evolve that way?

It did happen organically, but there’s a certain theme. We were going for a more intimate deal, and it’s a more introspective album as it turned out. Any time I go into the studio to record an album, there are always more songs than can fit on it. So you’re trying to take the best ones and make them fit together into one thing, instead of just a collection of songs on a piece of wax.  And I try to keep that in mind and pair songs together that complement one another.

Some noteworthy artists have addressed the disenchanted/disenfranchised, hard to re-adjust veteran. Isbell did it a couple times, McMurtry hit a chord with “Can’t Make it Here” a dozen years ago. Steve Earle did it with “Johnny Come Lately” in 1988. Describe your approach to “The American Way,” because that song hasn’t been secret, and the video’s been out there a while. Obviously there was some deep meaning for you.

Yeah, we released that video on the Fourth of July. I started working on that song in the summer of 2015. For me, it’s just the state of the union. It reflects parts of my childhood in rural East Tennessee in the 80s and 90s, and how things just sorta stay the same, you know? I wanted it to be a snapshot of how things are for blue collar people; folks who are just trying to live.  

The album hits all the bases: love songs of the aspirational, affirming or cheatin’ type, and even a heart-stomping I don’t love you song, “To Tell the Truth.” They’re all pretty sad & heavily laden with minor chords. I assume this was purposeful?

Yeah, I uh, I feel pretty comfortable working in a minor key, and I’d say I definitely do that more often than not. I think there’s something about the minor keys that definitely ring a little truer…well, maybe “truer” isn’t the right word. Maybe “profound.” I think songs in minor keys strike people more profoundly.  And as such, maybe, I think they can give folks something a little more concrete to hold onto.

There are plenty of good traditional songs with the 1-4-5 progression, but I think it’s the sad ones, the ones in minor keys, that people keep going back to.

And you definitely lean toward the sadder stuff here; granted I’m new to your body of work, but it seems like there’s even more of an emphasis on How to Survive.

I don’t know, I always tend to lean toward the more downtrodden, darker side. Even on a lot of my story songs…well, there are more story songs on my last two records, and some of them do come at you with an upbeat feel.  But these are definitely from the darker side of things.

Is this album serious empathy across the board, or autobiographical? Maybe a little of both?

It’s fair to say it’s a little bit of both. It’s certainly a little autobiographical. And it’s a good bit more introspective and personal than the last two were.

Is there one song that’s more autobiographical than any other on the album?
Oh, man. Ha. That’s a difficult question. (Lengthy pause.)

You’re free to take a pass, and that’s fine. But I mean, I can see several candidates. It ain’t like you just made all this stuff up…

(Laughing) Yeah. I know…there’s certainly some real shit in it. And some of it has to do with stuff I promised myself I wasn’t gonna talk about in the course of promoting this record, so…

Okay, that’s cool. And as we move away from this question I’d just observe that there are several songs…well, “Fireflies” is certainly inspirational and aspirational.  I’m guessing there were some songs that were hard to write. Looking at “To Tell The Truth,” I don’t think that song was written in a vacuum. Is that fair?

Yeah. That’s fair. That one’s got pieces of me in it, but they’ve all got pieces of me in them…

Okay. We can move on…

…man, this is hard to talk about, hard to say. But I’d say the most telling one on the album is “A Good Man.”

Structurally, you place your bridges as points of emphasis, often in different spots. Do you have any kind of guiding philosophy in that regard?

My guiding philosophy, I guess, is just to be efficient. I don’t tie myself into any formulaic songwriting. You know a lot of folks are all about verse/chorus; verse/chorus; bridge/chorus; out. With me sometimes they fall that way, sometimes they don’t; I try not to be superfluous…I try not to fill the time if it doesn’t need to be filled, you know? If I’ve set up what I needed to with one verse and it’s time to get to that poignant/conflict part of the song maybe I’ll go ahead with the bridge right there. It just depends on what the song calls for.  But yeah, I look at the bridge as really being the heart of the song.

I’d like to switch gears for a minute and ask you about the inspiration for some of your songs. You made a couple references at the Atlanta gig in July; for instance, I believe “Bed Sheets” is something of a send-up of one Conway Twitty. Expand on that a little.

Sure. I think “Bed Sheets” is really the only sexy-time song on this album (laughs). And there was actually a point as I was finishing it up where I was like, “Man, can I say this? (Laughing) Am I going too far?”

But I’ve always been a fan of Conway’s, and that was what I thought: “Well, shit, here’s a man who had no qualms about taking a song into the bedroom.” And I was coming to terms with the fact that I’m probably the same age as he was when he was on Hee-Haw when I was watching as a kid, you know what I mean? I told this story in Atlanta. I remember watching Conway, sweatin’ under those stage lights with one of those skinny 1970s microphones, singin’ bedroom songs. (Laughing) And I was old enough to realize, “Well, shit. Maybe I need to do some of that,” you know?

Back to the Manifesto, was writing “Port St. Lucie” a reasonable alternative to doing bodily harm to a former drummer? Am I remembering that correctly?

Yeah, man. One of those bands I was in, we were on the road and had van trouble in Port St. Lucie. You know…being in a band, it’s good and it’s frustrating all at the same time. You start bands with your buddies and…you see how far and how much you can damage that relationship (Laughing), how much you guys can just damned hate each other.

Out of boredom?

No, not out of boredom. You know, when you’re young, it takes you a while to figure out that everybody has their own set of priorities and interests and quirks…eating habits and drinking habits and everything else. And trying to get all that to work together is sometimes a struggle, especially if you’re in a band with a bunch of dudes.

And not to ruin the illusion, but rock ‘n’ roll ain’t that glamorous and there’s not much money in it. You go for a stretch of time of sleeping on couches covered in cat hair and not making any money, and something’s gotta give. We had that van stuck in Port St. Lucie with no shows to play, and it was about as hot as it could get in Florida in August. And I just realized, “Man I gotta get out of this situation before I kill this damn drummer. (Laughs) And I’m sure he had his own thoughts on the situation, you know.

I’m glad we got a nice song out of it, instead of tire-tool justice in Southwest Florida. You produced this album. Was that the first time producing your own work, or anybody else’s?

No, I’ve produced all of my albums. And recently I got to produce an album for my buddy Jeff Shepherd and his band the Jailhouse poets. We got them into the studio in Knoxville and it was really cool to be able to work with them. I really enjoy it, and just like being in the studio and want to be able to do some more of that in the future.

I see Jeff sang backup on “Bound to Lose.”

Yeah, he actually wrote that song with me. Jeff and I were on tour together in the Spring of 2015. We were on our way to Florida, and damned if it didn’t snow all over Mississippi. (Laughing)

You recently pulled up stakes from your native East Tennessee & moved to Nashville; I think you and Chelle Rose might have passed each other? Was that a move for convenience’s sake?

Yeah, Chelle and I apparently traded spots.  Not really convenience, man. I’m from East Tennessee, I love it there, and I’ve spent the last 22 years in Knoxville.  But for the last five, I’ve pretty much been on the road about ten months out of the year. Circumstances came about that enabled me to sell my house, and once I had done that I didn’t see the need to just start over in East Tennessee. So I just took advantage of that; Nashville’s a happening town and there’s a lot going on there.  And it’s at least as well positioned for touring as Knoxville is.

Word has it you’ll be touring with a full band this fall. How long has it been since you did one of those?

I’ve been doing some band touring about twice a year. I try to take a band out on the road during the spring and fall, and the last one was in May. I had some of the same dudes with me I’ll be taking out this fall, and this one will be fairly extensive; it’ll be about six weeks covering the eastern U.S.

Lightning Round:

Have you ever been in a joint and heard someone cover one of your songs?

I have. I did just get word from a friend of mine who was at Adam Lee’s and Josh Morningstar’s show in Detroit last night that Josh played one of my songs. And something that really tickled me, I don’t know if you’re a Ween fan, but I met Dean Ween in Pennsylvania and he let me know through social media that he had covered one of my shows at his standing gig. So I’ve been covered by Dean Ween!

The one person in the Outlaw Country/Alt.Country scene you’d love to work with one day?

(Pauses) Man. I’d love to sit down and write songs with Jamey Johnson. I think he writes really sharp songs.

An artist you’d recommend to all your fans?

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Sam Lewis; he’s pretty fantastic. He was living in Knoxville when I met him, and at that point he would have been in his really early 20s. He was writing really sharp songs and performing them really well. I guess he’s been in Nashville six or eight years and starting to get the recognition he deserves.

You said in an interview, with Riki Rachtman of all people, that you didn’t really like the term “outlaw country.” How would you describe your music?

Aw, man. I guess I’d call it Southern…American…songwriting? (Laughs) How about “Appalachian heartbreak music?” Let’s go with that.

I love this! I’m learning new terms all the time, and they’re all so fluid. Describe touring with Austin Lucas.

Fantastic. Touring with Austin was fantastic. We had been trying to get something together for years, and we were finally able to make it work last summer. He’s just immensely talented, and so kind and thoughtful. I had a great time with him, and running around with Sally the dog was great, too.

The ubiquitous Sally. Top five albums of all time regardless of genre?

Alright. I’m glad you hit me with this earlier, because that’s a moving target. I got it down to seven, so I’ll give you the five.

Tell you what, then, let’s make it top seven.

Guns ‘n’ Roses, Appetite for Destruction. Randy Travis, Storms of Life. Kris Kristofferson, The Silver Tongued Devil And I. Any Creedence Clearwater Revival album. (Laughs) If I only get one, I’d go with Chronicle, a greatest hits record with about 20 songs on it. Pearl Jam’s 10.

As I was thinking through that list, there are a couple on there I haven’t listened to in a while, but there are a couple others I can’t imagine being without: Two Cow Garage’s Sweet Saint Me, and Glossary’s Better Angels of Our Nature.

Why is How To Survive your best work?

I think the simple answer to that is I’ve been able to apply everything I’ve learned thus far (in my career) and apply it to this album. I think if you release a record and you don’t think it’s the best one you’ve ever done, then you’re not doing your job. With How to Survive, I think because of its introspective nature, there’s something in there that just about everybody can relate to.

Writing love songs is not something I typically do a lot of, but there’s some of that mixed in with all the heartbreak. What it lacks in story songs and murder ballads, I think it more than makes up for with truth and emotion. At least I hope that’s how people perceive it. 

How to Survive is available today on Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon, etc

Sep 22, 2016

Willy Braun of Reckless Kelly: The Farce the Music Interview

Doing What They Do at the Sunset Motel
By Kevin Broughton

It might strain credulity that a couple guys shy of their fortieth birthdays would be considered elder statesmen of a music scene. Unless, of course, their last name is Braun. Reckless Kelly’s Cody and Willy Braun have a musical pedigree that’s genuinely hard to fathom. Grandpa Musty was a roadhouse piano player & singer in rural Idaho who in his childhood learned to play accordion from a neighbor named Lawrence Welk. Father Muzzie toured the Mountain West with his brothers before forming Muzzie Braun & The Boys, a western swing band featuring his four sons.

Practically before they were out of short pants, brothers Cody, Willy, Micky and Gary had played the Opry and Johnny Carson, and opened for the likes of Haggard and Cash. So, yeah, it makes sense that Reckless Kelly – two decades into a professional music career – are viewed as an institution in the (pick one) Red Dirt/Texas Country/Roots Music scene.  

Sunset Motel, the band’s 11th album and their first on the Thirty Tigers label, premieres Friday, and it’s what anyone familiar with them has come to expect: tight instrumentation and arrangements; damn near perfect lead vocals from Willy that fit just as snugly in a plaintive ballad or driving rocker; and the kind of comfort level found in a pair of 10-year-old Justin ropers. It is – like seemingly all their records – vintage Reckless Kelly. It’s what they do.

We caught up with Willy (young for a musical greybeard at 38) while he chilled in Austin in advance of an upcoming East Coast tour. Topics included longing for the days of big-hatted musical clichés, a new record label and the state of the country music industry, and the virtues of turning off the water whilst brushing one’s teeth.

Your brother Cody mentioned through your publicist that you wrote “30 or 40” songs for this album, y’all recorded 20 of them, and 13 made the final cut. Sounds like at least another album’s worth of tunes are at the ready; is there any chance of y’all going Physical Graffiti, so those outliers are on a future album?

Yeah, there’s quite a few that we ended up recording that weren’t too bad you know, that turned out good, and we just had too many to put on one album. That’s kinda the first time we’ve ever really done that. We’ve had a couple leftover songs in the past, we’ve never had that many. There’s probably gonna be a collection of kinda outtakes, demos and stuff like that somewhere down the road. We’re not sure. We were kinda thinking about doing it for our 20th anniversary, but that’s this year, so we missed that boat. (Laughs) We might do it in a few years or something like that. There’s some stuff that’ll probably get seen.

Over what time period did you write these songs?

Well, let’s see. I started writing I guess maybe not long after Long Night Moon came out which was September 2013, so between then and about a year ago, I was writing kind of up until we went into the studio this spring but I wasn’t doing a lot after maybe last summer. Kind of got the bulk of it out of the way.

Reckless Kelly is one of those bands with an unmistakable sound.  I mean, within a couple of measures of the intro, then a couple more with your voice, it’s “Well, that’s a Reckless Kelly song.” Y’all have your own distinct style. How, if at all, would you say Sunset Motel is different?”

Man, I think it’s probably just a little more the modern version of the band. We’ve been doing it for about 20 years and we never really wanted to stray too far from what the people liked about us in the first place. But you can’t go making the same record over and over, so you have to slightly reinvent yourself every time; try to write about different things. Like I said, you don’t want to go too far off the rails because you know that’s what got people involved in the first place. I don’t know, it’s kind of hard to put your finger on that Reckless Kelly sound, it’s just 5 guys who’ve been playing together for a long time, it’s just something that’s evolved over time. It changes a little bit every year, probably, but nothing really too fast.

I want to get into a couple specific songs and then jump around some.  First, “Radio.” There are some brief snippets of songs at the very beginning before things crank up, and they’re just too quick for me to pinpoint.  Are one or more of them y’all, sounds like there may be a girl too? This is uber-trivial, but I’m curious.

Actually, none of them are us. It’s the people that came into the studio, we had a few guest musicians on the record. A couple of people came in and we recorded some stuff that didn’t end up making the album. We thought it’d be cool, we wanted to do like a radio thing… we thought it’d be cool if we used our friends who were kinda on the record so …it’s a Mickey & the Motorcars song “Tonight We Ride.”

Mickey and a couple other guys from the Motorcars came in and played some acoustic guitars on a couple of the tracks. Then there’s a Rosie Flores tune on there. She didn’t end up actually being on this record, but we cut a version of “Wild Horses” with her and Keith Gattis ‘cause they bopped by one day and we were just messing around. So the Keith Gattis song on there too, his version of “El Cerrito Place,” I think it’s the first one you hear. And Chris and Eleanor Masterson also, Eleanor played a bunch of strings and fiddle stuff and Chris did a guitar part on “Sad Songs About You” so there’s a little piece of a Mastersons song on there too.

I should probably know this, and a better reporter would have researched this better, but where did y’all record this and who produced it?

We produced it ourselves. My brother Cody, and Dave, our guitar player, and I have pretty much produced the last 3 or 4 records we’ve done. We recorded it here in Austin at Arlyn Studios. That’s the studio we made our first record at 20 years ago…they were kind of… they weren’t closed down but they were doing more like editing and video production for a long time and they just reopened the studio as a recording studio. It was kind of cool to go back there and kind of revisit the past a little bit.

I interpret the song as somewhere between tongue-in-cheek/good humor and a big ole middle finger to Nashville. Where would you put it on the continuum? Or am I just missing it completely?

No, you’re right, it’s tongue-in-cheek and …it’s not really so much of a middle finger to Nashville. It’s kind of more, it’s making fun of people in Nashville but not just Nashville, kind of kids today, for lack of a better expression. Any genre you want to talk about, there’s gonna be kids who don’t really do their homework, didn’t really put the time in that it takes to become a really good musician. A lot of people these days think you can learn 3 or 4 chords, and write 10 songs, and make a record and then you’re a rock ‘n roll star.

Well, they’ve got a bit of a point. Sad freakin’ thing…

 (Laughs) Yeah. But the guys that we looked up to looked up to guys before them, and they did their research and learned about…you know… we’ve played in jam sessions with people sometimes and they don’t know any Merle Haggard songs, and we’re like man how did you even get to this point where you’re playing guitar in front of people and you can’t play anything but like the six songs that you wrote. Just kind of blows my mind.

I heard somebody one time, I wish I could remember who it was, on the Buddy and Jim Show on Outlaw Country (Sirius XM). It was an old songwriting hand and he said “You know, it used to be you’d go to Nashville and they’d audition you with a tape recorder and now it’s like they’re doing it with a video recorder.” I thought that summed it up pretty well.

Yeah, it’s kind of amazing, there’s just so much competition and so many people out there these days, YouTube and things like that, where it seems like the bar has been lowered really far. It’s weird for guys who grew up playing music and really respecting the people who came before us …and worked really hard to learn how to play and write and sing, and I’ve been doing it for a long time and then to see people who don’t really have the respect for history – the craft…

Seems there are certain facts of life for acts like Reckless Kelly. Does it still just rub y’all the wrong way that bands with actual integrity and quality songwriting aren’t gonna see the airwaves, but for Sirius XM?

Yeah, that’s a bummer you know. It’s been going on for a long time. Our first album Millican, I wrote a song called “Hat Acts” about the Nashville ‘hat acts.’ That was 20 years ago and it was kinda focused on what I used to call cliché country when people were writing a song all based on a pun on a cliché, which seemed like the thing. Twenty years later I wrote another song about it and that’s “Radio.” Looking back, it’s kind of funny, the guys that I wrote “Hat Acts” about seem like awesome artists at this point. I’m always like “Man I’d take those guys over the crap that they’re putting out now.”

Now it’s like you ought to do one called “Backwards Ball Cap Acts.” You can use that, by the way.

I might, might have to update that one. You know, you really can’t get too annoyed with it. The bummer is that there’s a lot of guys in Nashville, everybody kinda picks on Nashville, but there’s so many great musicians and songwriters and artists in Nashville that you’ll never hear of, just because the mainstream thing is getting crammed down everybody’s throats. Kinda bugs me when people say “Fuck Nashville” or “Nashville sucks” because you’re only seeing like five percent of what that town has to offer. There’s some similarities between that and the Texas scene. The more and more people that start to play music down here …the cream’s gonna rise, but sometimes the people that are making more money are going to get more attention than guys that have more talent.

Y’all recently found a new home with 30 Tigers, a label that just keeps stockpiling more and more quality talent.  How important was the label’s stability and commitment to y’all retaining your independence when y’all made the decision to sign with them?

We started our own label a couple years ago and got a couple records out on it now. We took everything in house for a long time because it seemed like the way the industry was moving, and the fact that we could do a lot of stuff on our own, and keep a little more of the dough is why we did that. But this record, we early on recognized that we’re kind of proud of it and thought there were some good songs. We’re getting to the point where it’s, you never know when people are actually going to stop making records these day. ‘Cause people aren’t buying music anymore and we’re kind of thinking this may be one of our last opportunities to make an actual record that people will buy a physical copy of.

We might be able to get a couple more out of it, but who knows? So we were thinking that this might be a good opportunity to give one more try with a major distribution deal. Those guys have a great track record with bands like us that are sort of outside the norm. The guys that they’ve got on their roster had some real good success with people like that that fit into the same ‘straddling the fence’ category that we’re in. We figured it’d be a good fit so we’re gonna give it a shot and see how they do. Won’t know until it happens, but so far so good. They’ve been on top of everything and they’re easy to work with. I think it’s gonna help us out.

And you’ve mentioned that the band is now in a place where y’all aren’t “killing yourselves to pay the bills.” Can you point to a time in your career that you realized that was the case? When did you know y’all could relax a little bit?

It kind of happened over a long period of time. Back in the old days, we’d play every night, six or seven nights a week. The older you get and the more miles you get traveling around… really we were trying to just tour smarter, so we’re not going out and beating our heads against the wall playing gigs that really weren’t paying off, whether financially or exposure-wise. It took us a while to figure out how to do it, but we basically just wanted to cut those gigs out, or as many of them as we could and focus on the ones that mattered, the ones that got us in front of people or some exposure or paid well. It’s kind of a tricky thing to do, and it’s a lot easier said than done. We’re still working in that direction to try to play less and make more and kind of maximize the exposure and make every gig count. It’s a long process that we’ve been working on for years so it wasn’t anything that we wanted to do overnight.

I have a couple of fan boy questions to get out of the way. First, can there ever be a better murder ballad than “Crazy Eddie’s Last Hurrah?” I mean, it’s perfectly sectioned off: Cheatin’ and leavin’; drinkin’ and drunk-dialin’; and killin’.

I don’t know, that’s such a funny song to me. I probably wrote that thing in less than an hour. Never in a million years would’ve guess that that one was gonna be the big hit, the one that people talked about. It still kind of blows my mind that people like that song as much as they do. It’s kind of a throwaway song to me. I still like playing it, never really disliked it, but I feel like I’ve got a lot better stuff.

There’s no doubt, but when Sugar Hill put out the Best of Americana Series, I don’t think it’s insignificant that the one live cut they put on there was that one. I just think it’s fantastic.

Thanks man. Ragweed recorded that and that made it more popular than we ever would’ve. They had a lot going on at that time. When they put that on their live record , that gave us a little boost.

I noticed that too and …you guys to me are like kindred spirits and you and Cody even sound alike I think, singing. I think there are worse comparisons to be made. Also, has there been an instrument invented that your brother can’t play? The Gourds had Max Johnston, Son Volt’s always had a multi instrumentalist. It’s like y’all have two.  How big an asset to the band is he?

He’s irreplaceable. He’s a great fiddle player, he’s a great mandolin player, he can play harmonica and he’s learning piano and B3 right now. It’s kind of surprising it’s taking as long as it is, because usually …like, he doesn’t play guitar but sometimes he’ll pick up my guitar when it’s just sitting there and then play better than I can and he doesn’t even claim to play guitar and he doesn’t know any chords. 

If he wants to pick out a solo, it sounds like he’s been playing it for 20 years and it kind of pisses me off. Also, I think one of his biggest assets, one of the things he brings to the table most is he’s such a great harmony singer. He and I being brothers and singing for such a long time, he can kind of fall into the pocket with me without even trying at this point. He’ll put three or four parts on some songs. You know, whatever the song needs, he really good about finding that right part or parts and not overdoing it, and knowing when to overdo it. He’s definitely the best harmony singer I know.

Muzzie Braun, JR Cash, and future members
of Reckless Kelly & Micky and the Motorcars,
"at some county fair in Oregon many moons ago."
You and Cody have a well-reported musical pedigree, and were serious about what you were gonna do musically from an early age, getting your GEDs at ages 16 and 17. That’s serious discipline and determination. Assess your career path to this point, and do you still have some concrete, definitive things you want to accomplish going forward?

We always knew we were going to be musicians. That’s what the family business is, and we started playing music in dad’s band before we even realized it. We did home schooling so it was kind of concentrated, so that’s why we were able to get out of school a couple years early. Mom (or her tutors) were only dealing with a couple of kids instead of 35. We were able to do it a little faster than everybody else was. Our main goal starting out, and still is, was to making a living at it.

Our dad always made a living doing it, and my grandpa did and my uncles do, so it’s always just been something that …it’s more important to us to make good music than it is to make money. Basically, our goal and our focus is to make records we’re proud of, and put on good shows, and just be able to make a living at it. And anything that comes on top of that is just kind of gravy, you know. Then, there’s a bucket list of things of course. You wanna play Madison Square Garden and Saturday Night Live and go on tour with Bob Dylan, things like that. You never know if they’re gonna pan out but it’s never too late to accomplish little things like that along the way.

K: Is there a band out there whom y’all have opened for or toured with where you said “dadgum, we’re opening for (fill in the blank)” and it was just awesome?

Yeah, we used to go out and do a lot of shows with Robert Earl Keen and he kind of took us under his wing when we got to town, and I remember thinking about that. When we were going up the east coast with him on this 3 or 4 week run, hanging out with all those guys, and becoming friends and every once in a while we’d get up and sing an encore with them or something. At that age too, it’s quite a while ago, just kind of being in awe of their company and their talent.

There’s been a few times where we got to record a couple songs with Steve Earle one time. I remember listening back to the tracks, we backed him up as the band on a couple of tribute tracks for a Warren Zevon tribute and an Alejandro Escovedo track. Once we got done with that, we recorded them in one day in Nashville. I never listen to our music very much just because once it’s done, I’m kind of sick of it, but I sat and listened to those two songs all night. Like I can’t believe we backed up Steve Earle, he’s always been one of our biggest influences.

Sunset Motel has that traditional Reckless Kelly balance between rockers and ballads, but the bulk of the songs are about relationships. Is this something you set out to do purposefully, or an organic thing?

You know, this record in particular I just had so many ideas for songs that I didn’t get to use on Long Night Moon ‘cause about halfway through Long Night Moon, I realized it was all songs about traveling and I took that route and made a little bit of a theme out of it. So I ended having a bunch of left over ideas and half-written songs that were good, but were just in a different theme. I actually had a bunch of leftover stuff that I wanted to use, and so I decided while I was writing that I wasn’t going to push it in any direction whether it be ballads or rockers or country, love songs, or break up songs, anything like that.

So there’s all sorts of different subject matters. I just wanted to have all the best songs right off the top. We picked about 20 of those, worked them up, and just kept whittling it down until the best ones were the ones that made it on the record.

And let’s talk about “Volcano,” (and I hope you don’t hang up on me or anything) your nod to the issue of climate change.  It’s about as subtle as a punch to the throat…


..and one of the reasons I asked about the time for writing these songs is that we’re in an election year, and a stranger and more polarizing one than normal…

…it’s nuts, man…

…so did that have any bearing on the release of this song?

Actually, I’ve been working on that song for quite a while. I’ve probably had, not even joking, like 15 versions of it, four different melodies, and four different chord progressions. I kept tinkering with it for a long, long time because I always liked the idea, and I loved the sound of the word volcano. My place up in Idaho where I do a lot of writing is right across from the tallest mountain in Idaho, Mt. Borah. There was an earthquake back in the 80s when we were kids and you can still see this big fault line that runs across the bottom of the mountain where the valley floor dropped like 8 feet and the mountain rose a foot or two.

So that’s where I got the idea for it and it kind of became this song about climate change. Honestly, we’ve done a couple songs that were political in the past and this …at the very last minute we decided to put it on the record because I wasn’t sure I wanted to have this conversation over and over and over. We knew if we did put it on the record, it was gonna happen, that people would be asking us about it. The funny thing is we don’t really want to be known as a political band, but you can only write so many songs about …love songs, or breaking up with a girl, and “Volcano” just ended up being …it sounds cool and I think the song is cool and it’s also a conversation that I think people need to have. We kinda bit the bullet and decided to put it on there and now that it’s out there, I’ve come to peace with the fact that this is probably going to be just one of many political conversations we have to have over the next six months or so.

With that in mind, let’s break this down a little. It’s a catchy as hell song. At the beginning of the song you say, “Not to question your beliefs, not to be rude,” then in the second verse you take a lyrical blowtorch to anyone and everyone with an opposing view. I mean, you seem to openly mock Christians with talk of “God’s plan;” a “flat earth” mentality; “monkeys into man;” and imputing homophobia to anyone not on the same side as you. That’s a pretty broad brush, isn’t it?

Yeah, I think so. I kind of opened the song with the punch line from the old joke, you know, “the water’s cold, and deep too.” It’s saying about this election, it’s literally a pissing contest. I feel like it’s probably gonna piss a few people off. I remember when I was a kid, people used to just throw their beer bottles out the window and that was just totally acceptable. And now 30 years later, you can’t believe that people used to do that. Some people would just dump their old cars in the river. I feel like may in another 20 or 30 years down the road, we’re gonna be talking about this same issue and people will be saying “Well God, I can’t believe people used to use plastic water bottles.” A million different environmental issues that we could go into. I just feel like, a little at a time, over the course of the next few years, or several years even, people will probably start become more aware of it as the problem keeps growing. Whether or not it’s a man-made thing or it isn’t, there’s no harm in, you know, turning the water off while you’re brushing your teeth.

(Laughing) I’ve done that since I was six, I’m from Alabama, and a lifelong Republican.

So just in case, you know. Who knows if it’s gonna help or not, but man. One of these days if we run out of water, you’re probably going to think back on a lot of water that you wasted. Just for an example, you know what I mean?

Is politics/policy a big part of your life, and if so, has it always been? Or did it maybe rub off on you, living in an enclave like Austin?

It definitely rubs off on you. This day and age with Facebook especially, and Twitter, and that kind of stuff where that’s where people get their news. Myself included, most people my age watch John Stewart and John Oliver. I don’t consider myself a really political guy, mostly because I don’t really like having political conversations with anybody that doesn’t agree with me. It’s the same with religion, you’re never gonna change the other guy’s mind. Never seen anybody have an argument about politics or religion where the other person walks away with a new opinion. It’s always a fight. It’s one of those things you’ve just gotta chip away at; you’re never gonna changes somebody’s opinion with just one Facebook post, but maybe if they hear the song 30 times they might start turning the water off when they brush their teeth.

You mentioned in the bio that y’all were part of the “second wave of the movement,” and that Trace by Son Volt had a big impact. That’s a top-5 all time album for me, irrespective of genre. A couple questions along that line. First, can you name a couple other albums for you that are so impactful you’ll never stop listening to them?

Trace is definitely one of those. Guitar Town.  That’s always gonna be one of my favorite records. I was like 10 years old when I heard that album and I don’t think I’ve ever been that impacted by a record since that day. Still listen to it. Our old bass player Shifty and I sat in back of our tour bus one day a few years ago and we – he had his bass and I had my guitar – and just for shits we decided to see if we could play every song on the record and without even thinking about it, we did. All of Guitar Town. 


We’d played a few of them before of course, but we knew it that well. We’d heard it that many times. We didn’t even have to look to see what song came up next. It’s like that important of a record to us. That one, and then Billy Joe Shaver’s Live at Smith’s Olde Bar was another one we listened to a ton when we started the band. That combination between Billy Joe’s lyrics, and his country voice, and Eddie’s just rock ‘n’ roll guitar made it like hearing a rock band play country songs, like it’d never been done before. That was another huge record for us when we got started.

And if a generation is roughly 20 years, I guess we’re in and around a new one right about now. Who are some of the emerging artists, particularly in the Red Dirt/Texas Country scene, who’ve grabbed your attention?

Let’s see, there’s a guy named Parker McCullom who’s, he’s got one record out and I’ve only seen him play a few times, and met him a time or two. He’s really good. I think he’s gonna make some waves. He’s a really good songwriter, and he’s young, got a lot of talent, good singer, and all the ladies love him …so I think he’s gonna go places. Let’s see who else is out there right now… there’s a great band called Sons of Bill. They’ve actually been around for quite a while at this point, but I still kinda consider them up-and-coming. They’re great; I think they should be a lot more famous than they are. Really great songwriters, and I love their production and the whole ball of wax.

In the past couple years there’ve been some artists getting mainstream acclaim and awards with virtually NO airplay, and decent sales to boot. No thanks to Nashville, in other words, Isbell, Sturgill & Stapleton are defying convention.  Are these apparent outliers reason for hope for the likes of Reckless Kelly?

Yeah, absolutely. It gives you hope to see somebody say with no real support from the mainstream at all come and makes such big splashes. You know, one minute, Sturgill Simpson was opening up for us out in L.A. and now two years later, you’re watching him on Jimmy Kimmel, and Fallon.


Letterman, yeah. Watching his songs climb up the charts and selling records, and selling out huge shows; doing two nights in a row at the biggest venue here in Austin. It’s awesome. It’s great to see guys who have some integrity and musical chops buck the system and make it work. And that comes back to one of the reasons we decided to give Thirty Tigers a shot, because they did so well with guys like him and Isbell. It’s good to know it still could happen, you know.

What did you think by the way, because you’re a pretty savvy social media guy… about Sturgill dropping elbows? First about the naming an award after Merle, and then on Garden and Gun… I thought it showed not only balls, but absolute integrity for him to say, you know, what the hell?

It’s a ballsy move to say something just that out there and honest, you know. I really respect what he said and how he said it. I think he’s right when he says these guys, the same people who wouldn’t play Merle Haggard on the radio or wouldn’t give him his last moment in the sun before he passed away, are all of the sudden, you know it’s kinda like seeing all the Cubbies hats all of the sudden. The Cubs are doing really well and everybody’s wearing the hat.

You know, Merle Haggard dies and everybody’s playing Merle all of the sudden; and some of us have been listening to him and playing him our whole lives. It’s not annoying really because it’s great to see him get recognized and obviously everybody’s bummed out that he’s gone, but it’s kind of a little late to the party and then to take an award and put his name on it and hand it to some of these people that he openly trashed.

And by the way I saw Jason Isbell, his first tweet, he’s like I don’t know what Sturgill said but I agree with him 100%. Then an hour later he’s like oh, I saw what Sturgill said and I still agree with him 100%.

(Laughs) That’s funny. I think he’s right on, and it’s a ballsy thing to say, especially when he’s probably in line to win some of those awards. He’s kind of biting the hand that feeds him but that’s kind of what being an outlaw’s always been about. It’s what Merle would have done.

Finally, your new album is out Friday. What’s in the works for a tour to support this record, and what are you doing next?

The first big tour we’ve got coming up after the album drops is going up the east coast with Mickey and the Motorcars for a couple weeks. And then right after that, Wade Bowen and I are going across the pond to England for about 10 shows in November, just the two of us. That should be interesting. And then, man, when I get back from that, I probably start writing again. We’re not exactly sure what our next project’s gonna be; it’s either gonna be another album or maybe a collection of outtakes and old stuff, like we were talking about earlier. We kinda need to circle the wagons again and figure out what we’re gonna do next ‘cause we’ve got a lot of ideas but just need to pick one. 


 Sunset Motel will be available on Lonestar Music, iTunes, Amazon, etc.

*photos courtesy of Willy Braun's twitter account, Missing Piece, and ???


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