Feb 7, 2010

Top 10 Ways Today Resembled a Fairy Tale*

10. Bed had a lump in it

9. Was accosted by wicked witch

8. Climbed beanstalk, busted ass

7. Wished frog was a prince

6. Cleaned house, talked to rats

5. Grumpy husband complained about porridge for supper

4. Lied & smoked cigarettes

3. Wanted to lie down and sleep for 20 years

2. Fattened up children with junk food and candy

1. Angry old man forced me to do hard labor

*Based on a survey of 2,000 non-country singer millionaire females

Something you will not be seeing at today's Super Bowl

Feb 6, 2010


Farce the Music passed the 100K hit mark sometime last night (not counting the previous incarnation of the blog, Photocrap), most of that coming in the last 4 months. I just wanted to thank you for visiting and revisiting this goofy spot on the Interwebs. I never thought it would last this long, much less get such a consistent following.

As a tiny token of my thanks, I've got a brand new Lucero - 1372 Overton Park or Miranda Lambert - Revolution (by brand new, I mean, only opened to look at the artwork) CD for the first person to send me (photocrapper at gmail.com) or post a link (in the comments) to an album cover I've never farced and need to. Also, for the second successful submission, I'll give you the remaining CD if you want it.

Thanks again everybody!

Feb 5, 2010

YouTube Gems: Great American Taxi

Here's Great American Taxi with "One of These Days." More on this band and their new album in upcoming weeks.


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