Jan 12, 2010

Parody of Jason Aldean's "The Truth"

Another sophomoric, scatological parody from the demented mind of Trailer...

The Poop
(Parody of Jason Aldean's "The Truth")

Tell em all I went to Walmart
Cause we were runnin' out of beer
That no one should try to call cause I left my cell,
When they ask why I'm not here,
Tell em I'm out on a walk to clear my head of this smoke,
And that I'm probably doing well,

Just don't tell em dysentary
That I'm here sweatin' like a fool
Tell em any tale you need to,
Just don't tell em bout the poop
Yeah don't tell em bout the poop

Say I got tired of this party,
Went down to the pool hall to shoot a game
Tell em from the huffin' and puffin' you heard down the hall,
That I must be getting laid
Tell em I went to the bar to hear some old rock and roll band,
Not that I'm crying on the can,

Yeah, don't tell em dysentary
Diarrhea or loose stools
Tell em any tale you need to,
Just don't tell em bout the poop
Yeah don't tell em bout the poop

The truth is that I feel like I could die,
And I slipped back here on the sly,
Man, don't sell me out, I'll even pay,
Please save me from the shame,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Tell em anything you want to,
Just don't tell em bout the poop
Yeah don't tell em bout the poop
I'm beggin' you,
I stopped up the loo
Yeah man it's true
With an epic poop

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