Dec 6, 2018

Raiders of the Lost Ark Country Reaction Gifs

When you find a copy of Honky Tonk Heroes in perfect condition in an antiques store

♪♫ Are you still taking them pills?
Are they still giving you thrills?♪♫

When a Florida-Georgia Line fan tries to talk to me

What happens when a really country single gets sent to country radio

At the Blackberry Smoke show like...

When your passenger requests some Kane Brown

♪♫ Roll the stone away, it's independence day♪♫

♪♫ Don't call me an outlaw no,
I'm a motherf***ing gunslinger♪♫

"Maybe women just aren't putting out good enough songs to get played on country radio"


  1. More likely women aren't putting out bad enough songs to get on country radio.



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