Dec 13, 2009

Farcie Awards: Worst Rapper

This category was no contest. Soulja Boy, the readers of Farce the Music unequivocally say you suck!

Farcie Awards: Worst Comeback

It was like "Revenge of the 90's" in this category as four 90's "favorites" took on much maligned and much marijuana'd diva Whitney Houston. But, oh hell to the naw, Miss Houston stood no chance against Mr. Stapp and company. Way to go, Creed!

Farcie Awards: Worst New Artist

While it was a close race with the ever askew Lady Gaga, the Farcie Award for worst new artist goes to Locash Cowboys! Congrats guys! That's a very impressive feat for not even having released your major label debut yet!

Farcie Awards: Worst Female Vocalist

While I have vowed not to speak ill of Taylor Swift's vocals for a while, my readers have not done likewise, voting her easily to the head of this category. Voting breakdown is shown in the chart below.

Farcie Awards: Worst Male Vocalist

Our first result today is for worst male vocalist. Idol runner-up and keyboardist kisser, Adam Lambert, made a strong push at the start of the voting while Rodney Atkins and Kanye "Emo Autotuner" West went neck and neck in the middle of the pack, but after the dust cleared, frequent FTM target Gary "The Voice" LeVox of Rascal Flatts had run away with this Farcie trophy. Voting breakdown is shown in the chart below. Congrats Gary!


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