Sep 17, 2014

This is an Actual Lyric from FGL's New Song

Is this the worst/most disgusting double entendre in the history of country music? Yes. Yes it is.

OMG Reviews: Florida-Georgia Line - Sun Daze

By Brittany Fant, 15-year-old music fan and aspiring reviewer

Listen here.

OMG this is sooo kewl. Whistling and flip flops and flip cup! What's not to love about this party-time epic!???? That keg gone be flowin'… you know it! I can't drink yet (legally), and beer is gross but that's awesome. I wish they'd make pumpkin spice beer y'all! Did he say "turn up some Molly?" That's a drug, so I'm a little disappointed in FGL, but it's hip to do Molly so whatevs.  It sounds like they're singing "getting my Sundays on" in the chorus, but maybe that's supposed to have a double meaning. These guys are so clever! I think this song might be about smoking marijuana. I've never hit the weed yo, but some of my boyfriends have and they were always so cool and laid back when they did, so it must be okay. LEGALIZE IT SON! My mom would be so disappointed in me if she read this review, but y'all don't tell her okay? This is a catchy song about laying back and taking it all in stride and chillin'. My sweetie Hunter Hayes would never sing a song like this but he's the kind of guy you bring home to mama. FGL are the kind of guys you party with before you get married, LOL. I know Trailer liked FGL's last song "Dirt" but he probably hates this one since he's old and a total buzzkill, but I love it! There's too much bad stuff happening in the world to listen to the mopey crap he likes. I mean, climate change, NFL players doing bad stuff, Kanye telling handicapped people to stand up… there's so much stress and important stuff going on, we all need to just chill and enjoy some happy music and get our "sun daze" on!!!!

I give this 4.5 of 5 heart hands!!


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