Feb 24, 2012

YouTube Gems: Thomas Jackson Orchestra

I saw Chris Knight playing a solo acoustic set last night at Hal & Mal's in Jackson, MS. I'll write up a review of it shortly - very good show. Anyway, a very skilled guitarist/singer named Thomas Jackson opened the show with a bluesy acoustic set of his own. I looked him up and found that he fronts a Hattiesburg, MS band called the Thomas Jackson Orchestra. Check 'em out... highly recommended to fans of Eric Clapton's bluesier diversions, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Cary Hudson, etc.

Justin Moore says...

Feb 23, 2012

OMG Reviews: Thomas Rhett - Something to do With My Hands

by Brittany Fant, 14-year-old music fan and aspiring reviewer

Ooooooooh! Squeeeeeeal! He is sooo hot! And he's real country too! He sings about fishing, that's all the proof you need that he's country!! He's singing about putting his hands in his girl's pockets and running em through her hair…..swoooooon. I wish I was that girl. He might be a good enough country singer to be right up there with my #1 hottie Hunter Hayes. This song rocks just like a good country song should!!!! And it has some cool hip-hop record scratching or something kewl like that!~ I dunno, I just like it!!!!!!! Great beat! This is going to be a huggggggeeee hit! I can picture myself cruising with my BFFs around the ballfields this summer cranking this awesooooome song. I wasn't a country fan until Taylor Swift…. and then Hunter Hayes… and now Tommy-boy! I guess I'm a real true blue country fan now, though I wouldn't tell most people at school that LOL!! Now, excuse me while I pass out over Thomas' picture. Ahhhhhh…..

5 out of 5 heart hands!

Country Stars with F'ed Up Teeth V


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