I hear that back in your early days, you missed a couple of shows. Was that your fault or were you hanging out with bad influences?
Remember when Sam Hunt covered your song “What She’s Doing Now?” What did it take for you to get through a listen of that?
Do you ever pull a Scrooge McDuck and go swimming in piles of money?
Despite the pandemic, you’ve still been able to put on a few shows in the last 18 months. Do you still enjoy getting out there and performing for the people?
Despite the pandemic, you’ve been able to increase your net worth by around $35 million in the last 18 months. Do you still enjoy making money?
How do you feel when people say you ruined country music?
How many bodies are there Garth? Don’t think we’re stupid.
You were kidding earlier about crying when people say you ruined country music right? You don’t really give a shit, correct?
Okay, so who really ruined country music?
Thanks Garth! Now, how many bodies does that guy have buried?