Dec 23, 2010

Country Christmas Cards: Bucky, Mel & Easton

Thanks to CM at Country California for the ideas!

Click images for a closer view.

From Bucky Covington



From Easton Corbin



From Mel Tillis



Dec 22, 2010

10 Worst Country Singles of 2010

My first entry in this year's "best of" series is actually a "worst of." Here are what were, in my estimation, the most terrible country songs released as singles this year. They're in no particular order as I could not discern one piece of crap's artistic worth from another. Click the song titles to listen, if you dare.

George Strait - The Breath You Take
The King finally showed a crack in the armor. This terrible ballad with a downright "bad" melody featured Hallmark card lyrics and awful dirge-like verses.

Jason Aldean - Crazy Town
A throwaway album cut that somehow made it to the airwaves and even more astoundingly, made it to #3 #2 on the charts. Just goes to show that country radio listeners can't get enough of crap. It's not all the radio programmers' faults.

The Band Perry - Hip to My Heart
As far from country as one could hear on country radio this year, this bouncy, aggravating tune was a poor introduction to a band whose folksy "If I Die Young" nearly made up for the crappiness of this song. Sample lyrics: "I like your lips like I like my Coca-Cola / oh how it pops and fizzes"...really?

Rodney Atkins - Farmer's Daughter
Just as ham-fisted and unimaginative as nearly every Atkins single that came before and to top it off, this was a Hail Mary tag-on to an underperforming album to help it sell a few more copies. Weak.

I hate "Fancy" …despise it. That said, I can respect the art of it. This, likely Reba's worst single to date, not so much. Reba drops knowledge about texting, Tweeting, Facebooking and sounds absurd doing it. It's not that she has to "act her age," she just needs to not be so obvious about trying to stay current, in sound and lyrical content. It just doesn't work for her.

I really don't get the appeal of this song. It's not country, it's not that catchy, the chorus is just a bunch of stupid "ohh ohhh's" and my nine-year-old could write more engaging lyrics. Still, people continue to defend this song against the evils of someone who'd dare review it. Sure, opinions are like a-holes, but people THIS IS NOT A GOOD SONG - I bet Tim even hates it.

Aaron Lewis - Country Boy
Read here. Still haven't changed my mind.

LoCash Cowboys - Here Comes Summer
Sorry guys. FTM blog readers and winners/losers of 2009 Farcie Award for worst new group released this track to cash in on the coming of the warmer months to no avail. Putting "hotter" where there should have been a rhyme for "summer" was a major problem. The rest of the song not being any good was another.

Fast Ryde - Top Down
LoCash's main competition in the up-and-coming hip-hop-loving country group category, Fast Ryde upped the ante with autotuner for this listless summer anthem that nobody sang along to. At least LoCash's song tried a little.

The King of Douchebags continued his run of terrible sans-Big Kenny song releases with this stupid "look how country I am" tune. Tip to Rich: Call Big. Write songs. Release trashy guilty pleasure album. Alone, you're just guilty (of putting out terrible music).

Dishonorable Mention:
Lady Antebellum - Our Kind of Love
It isn't that this song is all that terrible, just boring. It's pretty much a microcosm of what's wrong with country radio. Uninspired, middle-of-the-road, entirely inoffensive…. entirely pointless radio friendly song.

Awkward Gary Levox Photo of the Week

Dec 21, 2010

If ____ wrote a Christmas song....

If Rodney Atkins wrote a Christmas song…

America at Christmas is a magical place
Christmas Happy Meal puts a smile on my son's face
He's been a good boy this year
I like beer
If you're going through Walmart, please say hey!

If Metallica wrote a Christmas song…

Snow white as corpses
Cold arctic forces
Impending voices and bells they will toll
Blood red ribbons
Pray you're forgiven
Or Santa will slip you some hell-blackened coal

If Taylor Swift wrote a Christmas song…

Our song is a ringing jingle bell
Crackling fire burning in the fireplace
That "misfits" song by the dentist elf
Your Mariah ringtone on my cell

If Soulja Boy wrote a Christmas song…

Pretty boy here need a winter time blow
Soulja Boy sleigh ride if you wanna go
Okaaaaayyyy, Imma wrap you up in a bow
Or we can snort a line of that falling snow
Pretty boy 'bout to Santaclause dat ho ho ho

If Ke$ha wrote a Christmas song…

I'm in my coupe with some eggnog and Goose
Turn up the Jay-Z real loud and go "whoo!"
Tik tok I'm so hot in my red "f-me" shoes
Santa comes at Christmas, I think I will too

If The Black Eyed Peas wrote a Christmas song…

Ooooh Ha! Ooooooh Ha!
Chrismaschristmaschristmaschristmas time!
Drop it till the dance floor shines
Yeeeeeaah pop! Ooooooooh Ha!
Hang up da stockins, let da ribbons unroll
Wise man got the myrrh but I want da gold
Oooooooh Ha!

If John Rich wrote a Christmas song…

Jesus was sent to save one and all
But everybody's having a holiday ball
Forgetting what it means, they're just worried about bling
The war on Christmas gets in my craw
Bartender I need another drink

If Eminem wrote a Christmas song…

Fat b*tch get out my chimney, what the f*ck you got on?
Look like Rick Ross in red, man don't say you're big boned
I got the millimeter pointed right at your dome
Drop the bag, f*g, or you're gonna taste the chrome

If Nirvana had written a Christmas song…

I'm so stupid, it's all gone
Reindeer have feelings
Diplomatic tones
Drown in a blender and dance on the stones
Mr. bell ringer
Just leave me alone


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