Showing posts with label AEW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AEW. Show all posts

Apr 27, 2023

Wrasslin' Country Reaction Gifs #70

When somebody throws on some Colter Wall

When I go see Willie's Outlaw Music Festival while my friend's out of town

When you have to go back to work at the place where everybody listens to pop country

Did you say you wanted to hear some country, and then request Kane Brown? That's an oxymoron or something.

Anytime a camera shows up around
a modern outlaw country artist

Oh you payed $1000 for a concert by a drunk and he missed the show? 

When my friend sees the results of my drunken tumble at the Turnpike show last night

Smoke a little smoke, drop a few elbows

"Hey Morgan, you have a show tomorrow. Think you should be renting out a bar for 3 hours tonight?"

Mar 2, 2023

Wrasslin' Country Reaction Gifs #68

Me looking over the Billboard country chart

Wanna go see Pony Bradshaw?

When your friend passed out 3/4 into a Lucero concert but he's ready to restart the party

When you find out your cousin is really
into Upchurch and Katie Noel

Trying to read the badly spelled, grammatically incorrect Facebook replies every time I post something about Morgan Wallen

Pop country singer trying to go outlaw

When the band comes out for an encore even though you knew they were going to

When you take over the party's DJing halfway through a Luke Bryan song

Me when normally reserved country artists talk shit about other artists online

Feb 2, 2023

Wrasslin' Country Reaction Gifs #67

*language warning*

When you left 49 Winchester off the weekend playlist

Local amphitheater: "Huge announcement! Luke Bryan is coming back for a show this year!"

When they ask why I'm whistling along to Isbell's "Elephant"
RIP Jay Briscoe

In my head, every time a tall dude stands in front of me at the concert and talks to his friends through songs

How do you keep your feet on the ground
when you know

When Tyler Childers breaks out "Ever Lovin' Hand" at a show

Still better than listening to a Kane Brown song

Every bro dude on my Facebook after calling FGL Brokeback Mountain

When one of your wife's friends is getting married the night of the Turnpike show

What do you really think of Aldean?

Jan 5, 2023

Wrasslin' Country Reaction Gifs #66

Morgan Wallen fan getting mad at me on Facebook

When you ask a crowd of morons what Toby Keith's best song is

Putting dobro in a Kane Brown song?

Me when I see my kid's been listening to Luke Bryan

When you ask a bro wearing a Johnny Cash shirt how many songs he can name

When that opening riff from "Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line" hits

When somebody says I shouldn't talk bad about Walker Hayes because kids might be reading

When you're going to get Tyler Childers tickets one way or another

A boy named Sue realizing he won the fight


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