Nov 16, 2017

That 70s Show Country Reaction Gifs

What do you think about Blake Shelton being named
People's Sexiest Man of the Year?

When your friend is a Kane Brown fan

When you're not very smart but you finally realize
Jason Isbell's "Elephant" isn't about an elephant

When you invite the dude you met at 
the Shooter Jennings show over for Christmas dinner

When your daughter wants tickets to
the Luke Bryan concert for her birthday

You think Sam Hunt is a country singer?

When she loves Waylon too

If Fez says he has way too much country music on his phone

"Why do I love Florida Georgia Line so much?"

Nov 15, 2017

New Video: Anderson East "King for a Day"

From his forthcoming album, Encore.

Waiting for a Country Song Like...

Can You Spot the Fakes?

Country Singer/Professional Wrestler Equivalents 3

Chris Young = Sami Zayn
Talented, likable, turned bad when doing things the right way didn't make him popular.

Sam Hunt = Karl Malone
Tall. Athletic. Not actually a country singer/wrestler, but happy to (poorly) pretend to be for money. Never won a pro sports championship.

Old Dominion = The Spirit Squad
There may be some talent in there, but it's hard to tell. Stupid looking. Creepy as shit.

Rich O'Toole = Zack Ryder
A bro, but a likable one. Self hype-man. Annoying to some, 
but appreciated when he does good work.

Charlie Daniels = Zeb Colter
Old, bearded, southern. Republican. Says crazy shit. 

Dan + Shay = Billy and Chuck
Duo. Somewhat talented, but purists don't like them. 
Are thought by some to be fabulous; not that there's anything wrong with that.


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