Showing posts with label Morgan Wallen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morgan Wallen. Show all posts

Feb 24, 2022

Return of the Jedi Country Reaction Gifs

🎵 It's your love, it just does something to me, sends a shock right through me ðŸŽµ

Jason Aldean's vocal inspiration

Every pop country fan with a bad opinion on Facebook

When your girl says it's hot that you sing Wheeler Walker Jr songs in the shower

When you catch yourself liking a few new Dustin Lynch songs

When somebody says Morgan Wallen is a better singer than Jason Isbell

🎵 Same as my daddy and his daddy before ðŸŽµ

When I see a Twitter friend talking trash about Walker Hayes

Feb 18, 2022

You’ve Been Unfollowed and Blocked for Liking Ernest’s “Flower Shops” ft. Morgan Wallen

Hello, longtime follow. I know we have generally gotten along for years on this godforsaken social media network. I know we haven’t actually discussed politics, even though I think I know yours and I KNOW you know mine. I know we both love country and Americana music and don’t care for pop-country and that we could probably share a beer and have a nice time.

HOWEVER…. I saw who you really are yesterday and for that I must bid adieu.

You’ve rarely mentioned Donald Trump, despite (I assume) being a conservative. You’ve never made any overtly racist, homophobic, transphobic, or sexist Tweets that I can recall. You don’t even follow Jordan Peterson or Don Jr. (I actually do, so I can be angry all the time). 

BUT…. It’s clear what you feel in your heart of hearts. 

When you tweeted “I’m not a fan of either guy, but that new Ernest & Morgan Wallen song is surprisingly good and surprisingly country,” it became clear to me that I was following a vile racist. You may not have said as much, and may never have said as much in the 4 years and 10 months I have followed you, and may have never uttered a single racist word, joke, or thought in your entire life, but there is no doubt in my mind that your hatred for black people is incompatible with my de haut en bas morality. 

The entire weight of 400 years of servitude, imprisonment, discrimination, othering, red-lining, and dismissal fell upon my shoulders as I read those 21 words from your repugnant mind. I was literally weeping and shaking, knowing my internet acquaintance had betrayed my trust and the trust of 80 million+ Americans. 

That you even clicked ‘play’ on a song that included MoreKlan Wallen was one thing. That you were able to overcome the bile rising in your throat and the sense of performative rage creeping into your mind to dare utter that you found the song “surprisingly good” is a testament to your inhumanity. 

I know you’ve shared memes making fun of Wallen. I know you spoke ill of Wallen when the “n-word” video came out, but this dark world calls for action, not words. Your words leave you on the side of David Duke, Scott Baio, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Kid Rock. Just because your ears and mind find something pleasurable doesn’t mean you have to allow yourself to like it, much less announce that to society. I pray you find your way back to the correct side of history.


Feb 3, 2022

The Godfather Country Reaction Gifs

The ranger with the big iron on his hip says 

When your friend had to take his girl to a Dan + Shay concert

When they're playing Walker Hayes at the party and you leave before anyone notices you

Every time you fail at securing Turnpike tickets then they announce more shows

How much would you pay to see Keith Urban?

Hometown honeymoon, wildflowers and lovers in bloom

Morgan Wallen fans taking up for a millionaire

One look at the country chart and I'm like...

Jan 27, 2022

Country Twitter Fails: January '22

(The Ernest song is good tho)

This one's from Facebook, but had to include it. Yep, I'm taking a shot at the writers too.

Kevin Hart Country Reaction Gifs

Oh, you think I'm gonna just sit here and listen to your Dan + Shay, coworker?

When somebody suggests I do a post about how Jason Isbell is funded by George Soros

When somebody says Walker Hayes is their favorite country singer

What Warren Zeiders looks like when he's singing a ballad

Name Carrie Underwood's first big hit

If the answer to this question is no, then you probably had a good time at the Larry Joe Taylor festival

My face when a Kane Brown fan attempts a three syllable word

When your friend actually got y'all some Turnpike tickets

When Brantley Gilbert is doing a sound check before his pregame concert

What's your favorite Morgan Wallen lyric?


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