Showing posts with label Photocrap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photocrap. Show all posts

Aug 5, 2015

A Luke Bryan Marketing Promotion That Makes More Sense

Yankee Candles, Tinder? Wouldn't this product be more appropriate
for Luke Bryan's marketing of his new album?

Jun 23, 2015

Tyler Farr's Tattoo: A Closer Look

Here's Tyler Farr looking all badass and sepiatoned in his puffy vest and cap,
with some sort of sweet tatt on his sleeveless arm.

Now, let's take a closer look!

 Oh. Hmm, well let's be open-minded here...

Jun 4, 2015

Summer Country Music Festival Waiver

Another summer, another spate of bad behavior from summer country concert attendees. To combat the possibility of lawsuits, some promoters have begun forcing ticket buyers to sign liability waivers. Here's a really thorough one for the upcoming Florida Country Superfest.*

*totally not real, but probably should be.

Jun 2, 2015

Mikel Knight: Anatomy of a Douche - Updated

Due to recent events, this old Mikel Knight, Country Rap King, 
post (click here) has gotten a ton of traffic lately. 
It's an older creation from a low-res jpeg file and looks terrible,
so I've updated it here with some updated trash talking.

Apr 13, 2015

Random Weirdness: Lady A, Flatts, Luke, etc.

Somebody really screwed up on this tour promotional poster.
From Mike McDermott


Sent to me on Twitter by @fakedavidfricke
Sturgeon Simpson

Meme from David Power

This made the rounds on Twitter over the weekend. Is Gary photobombing, sneezing, or slipping into a coma??


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